
Q: Why are some pieces signed with Zyllia and not Lexreon?

A: Zyllia (Zye-leah) was my "professional" name from when I was active on deviantART and tumblr. I use Twitter for everything now under the name Lexreon and for that reason my Zyllia alias has mostly gone dormant, for now.

Q: What tablet do you use and what programs do you use to draw?

A: I have an Intuos Pro (small) and I use Paint Tool Sai for mostly everything. If you are reading this from the future then there's a chance I may have picked up Clip Studio Paint and have started to use that too.

Q: Can I use your art as an icon or for roleplay?

A: Chances are the art you're looking at is either commissioned work or personal work I've done for my own characters. These characters already represent someone so I ask you do not use them to represent yourself.By the off chance I do regular fanart, then please by all means use them for non-profit things, provided credit is given. If you're unsure, feel free to contact me for clarification.

Q: What is considered a "complex character" or what would otherwise raise the rate of my commission?

A: Complexity can be anything from intricate markings to armour or large feathered wings. Any type of detail I see myself consistently taking a good amount of time to complete may be subject to additional charges.

Q: What is the difference between simple shading and complex shading?

A: Generally speaking, simple shading is just the shading while complex shading has shading and highlights and is more "vibrant".Below is an example of simple shading (left) and complex shading (right)

Q: When are your commissions opening again?

A: As of now I don't have a set schedule but I do try to get things moving fairly quickly. Announcements are made on Twitter as well as my Discord.

Q: Why is there so much Sprite in your art?

A: I like Sprite